Tuesday 27 August 2013

My true love is come back to me, or how I found another book I'm desperate to read this fall

        For a year now, ever since I read Phantom by Jo Nesbo, I have been mourning my true love in the detective world.  I haven't reviewed Phantom because I didn't know how to.  I thought it was the end of Harry Hole. It was a mystery that broke my heart, with who the killer is.  I know the review is waiting to be done, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, because then the series really would be over.

So imagine my complete shock to see this on Amazon just now, tonight, 12:30 a.m.:

Yes indeed.  A NEW Harry Hole mystery.  Possibly.  He might be the one in the coma.  I don't care.  He's ALIVE.

I won't give away who shoots Harry Hole, in case there are still people who haven't read Phantom.  I'll write a review later (because now I can do one because he's ALIVE, possibly) when it's not 12:30 a.m.   For now, I am so happy, I'm so excited, Harry lives (possibly) for another day. Just the chance that he is alive is exciting. *Happy dance*  I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!  Harry has come back to me!!

 So add this to my list of books I'm waiting for the this fall.  It's out Sept 17.

I feel spoiled:  two books that I really can't wait to get my hands on.

HARRY is alive!!!!!!

Here are some of my other reviews of his books:
The Redbreast (above link at the beginning of this post)


The Great Catsby said...

Where would you suggest starting with the Harry Hole books? I've been wanting to check them out for awhile and I heard it's not really necessary to read them in order.

Susan said...

The Great Catsby: I would start with The Redbreast, which is the first one I read...though I do believe The Leopard is the very first Harry Hole mystery, it was one of the first to be translated. I haven't read it yet, it's on my TBR pile. So it's up to you! Definitely from Redbreast onwards it is written as a series, though.

Thanks for leaving a comment here! I'll come visit your blog :-)

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I just received this for review today - it sounds goods.

Susan said...

Diane: Oh, lucky! I bought it earlier this week, I will be reading it when I am done The Shining. I'll check to see if you have read it yet :-) Have you read the other Harry Hole novels?

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