They are:
The Chalk Girl - Carol O'Connell
More Baths, Less Talking - Nick Hornby
Blood of the Wicked - Leighton Gage
Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch
Stolen Souls - Stuart Neville
The London Compendium - Ed Glinert
Standing in Another Man's Grave - Ian Rankin
Broken Harbour - Tana French
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2012 - Paula Guran (ed)
Songs of Earth - Elspeth Cooper
Bitter Seeds - Ian Tregillis
The Day is Dark - Yrsa Sigurdardottir
White Heat - M.J. McGrath
The Betrayal of Trust - Susan Hill
Little Girl Lost - Brian McGilloway
Charles Dickens: A Life - Claire Tomalin
Shadowplay - Karen Campbell
They were all bought for my Christmas box, over autumn. Merry Christmas, everyone! I did receive a gift certificate also for Aamazon, so more books will be coming, which I have to hurry up and order, or I won't be able to use them for the next thing I am about to write: this is when I officially announce that for the months of January through March, I will not be buying any new books. Yes, this means I am accepting a new challenge: I am signing up for C.B. James' TBR Double Dog Dare.
Two Challenges:

As he says on his blog, Ready When You Are, " remember, especially those of you who do not participate in reading challenges, the TBR Double Dare is not a "reading challenge;" it's a dare.
We dare you, no we double dog dare you to join in the fun.
The rules are extreme, but you can change them to fit your needs. The TBR Double Dog Dare is meant to be fun, so rule number one is--have fun.
The goal of the TBR Double Dog Dare is to reduce the size of your TBR stack, to read those books you've had for years and always meant to get around to reading one day. January 1, 2013 just might be the day.
If you agree to the full Double Dog Dare, then you pledge to read only books in your TBR stack as of January 1, 2013 from the start of the new year until April Fool's Day. Your TBR stack is officially defined as the books you have purchased or have requested from the library as of January 1, 2013. This includes books that have not arrived in the mail or at the store yet."
So I have time to make that last order to Amazon books!
And I'm joining Ana's and Iris's January Long Awaited Reads challenge also

. It's not really a challenge, it's more of a fun sharing of what long awaited reads we've put aside, that we are going to read in January (and through the month while we read them). Mill on the Floss, any Charles Dickens, so many mystery series to catch up in, but I am going to try to make this about books I've had for a long time on my shelves waiting to read. I'll post the list before January, while I'm doing my round-up of my year's reading.
What about you, dear reader? Did you receive some books for Christmas? Are you feeling time-challenged to read what you have?