I have been having so much fun on the Blog Calendar Advent Tour.. Bloggers are writing in from all over the world, sharing their Christmas traditions. And it's not over yet! There's another 10 wonderful days to go! However, we are leaving on our trip tomorrow night, so if I'm late with leaving comments, just wait, I will catch up.
Yes, that's right, tomorrow night I'm LEAVING ON A JET PLANE for England. *sigh* only one sleep to go! Yesterday we had our becoming a tradition Christmas get-together, with whichever family members are available. While here, my sister-in-law mentioned that Canadian Tire had a suitcase set on sale, after she saw the three sad bags we'd pulled up from the basement. So I went on the web, and there it was:

Almost enough for my books I'll be bringing back!!! Just kidding....I think....
My husband bought it last night, and now the cat is getting very upset and the kids are getting very excited and we, at last, are at the moment of truth: what exactly are we bringing, and why is there not a packing fairy? I need her!!
I will post again later, but a small child is bouncing on the chair, waiting for his turn on the computer, and I really, really, have to get some clothes near the suitcases now. I can't leave it for the last day! Packing fairy, where are you?
By the way, we had a very good Christmas meal yesterday, with ham in apple cider, new roast potatoes, two kinds of salad, steamed broccoli, and blueberry pie for dessert. Anyone for leftovers? Then we celebrated by watching the newly released Dark Knight after the kids were in bed....sadly ,our age told and all three of us adults remaining, fell asleep during it! Even me.
Middlemarch Update: Ha ha ha. You expect me to actually have READ anything this week, with the bus strike so one of my daily times for reading is taken away? I did! I did read something! However, I am only halfway through the book, and unless I have a sleepless night, it won't get done before I go, so I might be leaving it half-read. Page 319, Chapter 39. By now Dorothea is very unhappy in her marriage, Will madly in love with her, Lydgate and Rosamund are engaged, Mr Featherstone has died and left everything to a complete unknown - that was hilarious! except for Fred, who my fingers are crossed that he will stop gambling and take a decent job somewhere.
Maybe the packing fairy can come soon so I can have time to read, which in this week's Thursday meme, the question was, do you have enough time to read what you want? HA HA HA HA. As if!
My secret plan is to be up on the airplane reading, reading, reading while everyone sleeps!!! Shh, don't tell anyone. I'll let you know how the secret reading plan worked,on the other side of the pond.
Happy holiday preparations to all, and to all: READING TIME!
'The question was, do you have enough time to read what you want? HA HA HA HA. As if!' - LOL!! Me too.
'After she saw the three sad bags we'd pulled up from the basement.' - Who doesn't have those?
'Bus strike' - that sucks. Glad you're soon leaving on that jet plane.
I hope you have a safe and happy trip, just packed full of reading time!
I am so glad that you are enjoying the tour! Safe travelling to you and your family.
lol, "almost" enough for your books :P And a packing fairy would come in handy indeed! Have a great and safe trip, Susan! And Merry Christmas :)
I think the "do you have enough time to read" question made pretty much everyone crack up :P
Have a wonderful and safe trip and happy holidays!
How'd you fall asleep during the Dark Knight?! lol.It was a good one indeed! I bought it for my little brother as one of his Christmas gifts.
Your meal sounds delicious! I'll definitely take some left overs ;)
Have a wonderful wonderful time in England Susan!!! It should be wonderful!
I want to come with you!! Whimper whimper... sigh.. I've always wanted to see England! and now I have a friend in Devon (Cath)..
if you run into Ian in England be sure to thank him for being Gandalf!!
Fly safe, buy lots of books, get home safe...
I was wondering if the children would sleep and let you read on the plane.
Have a wonderful trip...I'm so happy for you!
Middlemarch, huh? That book is haunting me and has been for years. :P I started it for an undergrad course several years ago and have never been able to pick it back up to finish (only read half of it). I have vowed to finish it next year, but I'm dreading every second. :) Hope you're doing better with it than I was!
Thanks for coming by early this week.
Have a great trip! And I agree with you. The Blog Advent is a wonderful thing and I have really enjoyed all posts for the month so far.
Ah England! Wonderful place. I got to go there a few years ago and have been yearning to go back ever since. Have a blast!
Hi. Thanks for coming by for the Blog Advent Tour. The animals is by far the favorite of our congregation but we don't have enuf kids this year. I'll be sure to post pics of the "wise men" after this yr's program.
Howdy! You have a Christmas Spirit Award waiting for you at my blog...
Merry Christmas Susan! I hope your Holidays are wonderful and filled with Christmas Scones! (hehe.. i love scones so hadda say that)
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