Of Saints and Shadows - Christopher Golden
Ring of Bright Water - Gavin Maxwell
Russian Winter - Daphne Kalotay
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand - Helen Simonson
Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor - Stephanie Barron
The Darkness and the Deep - Aline Templeton
The Children of Hurin - JRR Tolkien
The Dragon Who Liked To Spit Fire - Judy Varga
December - Phil Rickman

I think I found some real treasures here, I've been wanting to read Major Pettigrew's Last Stand ever since Raidergirl3 raved about it in 2010,, and here at the end of 2010. I want to try the Jane Austen mysteries for fun. I read almost everything put out by Tolkien, but not Children of Hurin yet. Ring of Bright Water we owned as children, and I think my daughter will like it as she gets older. Plus I need to reread it.
Mostly, I felt really good at supporting such a good cause for a dear friend. Books to bring home - icing on the cake. Delicious icing!
And, bonus for second-hand stores: I found this in a new antique/second-hand store that has opened in my neighborhood. I have been searching for a copy of It, The Stand, Salem's Lot and The Shining by Stephen King - all of which I am certain I own, but are not on my shelves. I am waiting for 11.22.63 to come out on July 5 in paperback (countdown is on!!), and have found myself craving a Stephen King to read - either Salem's Lot, or The Stand (because I'm missing the read-along online, I know!!!) - or the only recent one I haven't read yet, The Cell. Lo and behold, today in this vintage second hand store I found The Cell!

A friend who reads horror had just mentioned to me that this was one of the recent ones she'd read that she really liked - vintage King, she said. I was able to return the favour about Duma Key, which I really enjoyed three years ago. So on this very warm late spring Saturday, I have a new to me Stephen King to read. I don't know about you, but for me, Stephen King and lazy hot days made for reading go hand in hand. Hurray for second hand stores!