A Dark Matter - Peter Straub
The Merry Wives of Maggody - Joan Hess
Enchanted Glass - Diana Wynne Jones
Midnight Riot - Ben Aaronovitch
Books my husband brought back from England at my request:
I can't get either here in Canada, I've been trying for some time. I've already read Handling the Undead, review to follow shortly (it was so very good, too). I was so excited and pleased to see these! Can you see the bookmark in The Gentleman's Daughter?
I'm able to get around a little more now, and it's my birthday month, so I think I have to make up for missing some book shopping while my knee healed, don't you? I have quite a list of books I'd like to get, starting with:
Kraken - China Mieville
Smokin' Seventeen - Janet Evanovich (out in June)
Disturbance - Jan Burke (new Irene Kelly, out in June)
Among Others - Jo Walton
Feed - Mira Grant
The Janus Stone - Elly Griffiths
Ashes to Dust - Yrsa Sigurdasdottir
Bury Your Dead - Louise Penny
The Hanging Woods - Martin Edwards
Crime Machine - Giles Blunt
Let the Dead Lie - Malla Nunn
Thirteen Hours - Deon Meyer
Truth - Peter Temple
Silent Land - Graham Joyce
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Sacks - Rebecca Sklort
Harbour - John Ajvide Lindqvist
Passion - Jude Morgan
Curse of the Werewolf Girl - Martin Millar
Ghosts of Belfast - Stuart Neville
Blacklands - Belinda Bauer
Seventy-Seven Clocks - Christopher Fowler
Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft - Claire Tomalin
Faithful Place - Tana French
Cheek by Jowl - Ursula K LeGuin
The Passage - Justin Cronin
Winter of Secrets - Vicki Delany
Well. I have been busy compiling lists of books I want to read......and this isn't really more than an immediate list of what I would like to read this summer. Sad to say, most of these I'm waiting to be in soft cover so I can carry them around, so they've been out for a while now. There's all the Kerry Greenwood, Carola Dunn, Margaret Maron, Graham Hurley, Susan Hill, just to name a few, mystery series that I follow, most of which I have to read copious amounts of books to catch up with. Happily! C. J. Sansom....... Some of these I have been searching for quite some time now - Ghosts of Belfast, I'm looking at you! I forgot to ask Toby to look for this in England. This isn't even counting the Persephone Catalogue, of which I want to buy just about every book in it. The fun thing is, I will read most if not all of these books. I know this. So now it's like a treasure hunt: what will I find when I go to the bookstore, which books are waiting for me, and which ones do I have to hunt further for?
Just a wee short list, eh? :)
Practically every book you've just bought or want to get, I do too. LOL. Look forward to your reviews of those two you're reading. Susan, any time there's something you want from England and can't get in Canada just say and I'll go shopping for you. :-)
I had no idea we shared the same birthday month. Are you a Taurus or a Gemini?
And thanks for your wonderful e.mail, I'll be writing soon.
Hi Susan,
Wow! I thought that I was queen of the 'wish list' and TBR pile, but you certainly take some beating!
There are so many good authors out there (and some pretty average/dire ones too), and they just seem to turn out books on a monthly basis ... How do they expect us poor book addicts to keep up??
Haha! Nice way to alert people to what they can get you for the important day :) Looks like a pretty eclectic and awesome wish list.
Ah, you will enjoy THE JANUS STONE and BURY YOUR DEAD. Can't wait for you to get them and tell what you think. LOL
There were some excellent reviews yesterday of China Mieville's new book Embassytown - I'm desperate to get my hands on it!
ooooooooh, Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft...looks great.
Awesome list of books. The Gentleman's Daughter sounds really good!
2 Kids and Tired Books
Can you PLEASE tell me how u got 26, 000 pageviews?
can u please tell me how u got 26,000 pageviews?!
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