Then, Julia at Piece of My Mind tagged me for a fun meme, and I went there to get it to do here, except I unexpectedly saw this picture of Richard Armitage, and well, *sigh*.

And not only that, but there is a an interview with him posted on Vulpes Libris, here, that will make all of us Richard Armitage fans drool a little more. Because he reads, and he reads a lot. And he's thoughtful, and interesting. Many thanks to Julia at Piece of My Mind for the link to the interview, and I'm afraid I scooped her on the interview posting.....
I also have been watching the HBO television series True Blood, based on the Sookie Stackhouse vampire thrillers. Vampire Bill? Oh my, very hot *fans herself*. Quite graphic also (one scene of a particularly gruesome murder I just can't get out of my head), delightful setting, okay dialogue, very good acting. I have watched half the season already.......good for getting through a cold, bad for reading books!!!
So, unexpectedly, not about books, but about things revolving around books.
And yes, you read it correctly: I have 3 - no, I have 5 graphic novels out of the library. Unexpectly, the rewards of the blogging community are that I find a new type of novel to explore.
Also very unexpectedly, I can't seem to find a copy of North and South anywhere. I want to read it now, since I think there is more explained in the book (of course there is! there always is!!!) than the series can show. I can find lots of Gaskell's other books, but not that one!
Happy reading, Gentle Readers!
Oooh.. thanks for sharing that interview! Whew, didn't think it was possible to become a bigger fan of his!
Also, I tried reading a graphic novel the other week. It didn't seem to work. I'll probably still keep trying though.
Loved this post Susan! :)
I have a cold, too. It sucks!
Not a bad way to spend a day. Watching North and South with Richard Armitage, eye candy. ;)
Colds are not the best to have during the summer season. And being a diabetic is worse, my mom diabetic as well. Hope you feel better!
I hope you're feeling better, but what a great cold remedy! I must watch North and South -- haven't seen it yet. I've fought colds by watching all 6 episodes (anyway it used to be 6 on video) of Pride and Prejudice. Colin Firth will cure the common or uncommon cold, too!
Michelle: I know. It's such a thoughtful interview. I like how you put it, 'bigger fan' of his. Oh, definitely I am becoming one!! lol It's fun that you are too!
Eva: thanks! :-D
Kailana: what is it with this summer cold and Canada? at least mine didn't last long. I hope yours doesn't either.
Leya: Welcome! I'll come find your site and visit you.... I do agree, 'eye candy and richard armitage! :-D
thanks for the sympathy about the diabetes. I hope your mom has hers under control. this is my first time being sick as a diabetic, and I'm shocked at how out of control my sugar got, so quickly!
Robin: I love that comment that Colin firth can cure both kinds of colds!!! I used to watch P&P too - my problem is we don't have a video player, and I haven't picked up a dvd version of P&P yet, so I have gone without Colin for some time now *sniff*
And North and South is worth watching!!!
Lord he was beautiful haha. I understand the *sigh* Hope you are feeling better!
Aww, sorry to hear you've been sick, Susan! Hope the crud beats a quick retreat and lets you get back to reading...I'm eager to hear what graphic novels you've got there.
I'm sorry to hear about your cold, Susan! I hope you're feeling better by now. And, like Debi, I want to hear about those five graphic novels in more detail!
Padfoot and Prongs: 'Lord he was beautiful haha. I understand the *sigh*' - LOL!!
Oh, Susan - somehow seeing the same picture of Richard over here somehow managed to take my breath away... Very, very glad you passed the word along!
That sounds like a perfect way to recover!! Makes me (almost) wish I would catch a cold...
Hope your all well soon, and thanks for the link to that interview.
Padfoot and Prongs: I am feeling better, thanks! and I love that comment too!
Debi: me too! I hate being sick in the summer. I hate being sick anyway.....and I'll be posting on graphic novels shortly. I just read 3...
Nymeth: thank you, Nymeth! And I am feeling better now. I will be reviewing those graphic novels in the next couple of days. Two I really liked :-D (this is a teaser, I know!!)
Julia: as soon as I saw the picture on your site, I knew I had to have it on mine. It's such a good one! It takes my breath away every time too, even though I see it every time I come on!! lol
Daphne: I would consider recovering from a fender-bender worthy of some hours spent with North and South!!
Book Pusher: I am delighted so many people went to the interview! Now if only he would get another starring role in something that would last a few years *sigh*
Isn't it fun to expand your horizons with book blogging? That's definitely been true for me as well.
And I'm sorry to hear you're feeling miserable with the cold and diabetes and all. Yuck! I'm surprised there aren't any cold medicines that have been specially formulated for you to take! Hope you feel better soon :-)
I LOVE Richard Armitage in North & South! I was just watching that miniseries a bit last night. He's so dreamy... I like the book, too, but I admit to preferring the movie version in this instance.'
Hi, I'm Aarti and am bookblog-browsing through other blog's links :-)
Sorry to hear you were sick. But hopefully, you are feeling better now!!
Yeah...the whole internet is apparently against me. Not only am I incredibly obsessed by books, I'm now adding graphic novels to the list! You people are killing me!
I love True Blood! I havne't read the books, though I really need to. I'm into the second season already, and am still a little iffy on Bill. I just don't find him all that attractive. Strange, for me. Now Sam...he's scruffy and kind of cute!
Kim L: It is fun to expand my horizons!
I would think they would have realized there is quite a market for us diabetics and formulate some medicine, but apparently we are all too sick to lobby for healthier medications (or maybe that's an oxymoron!!!) lol
Aarti: Welcome! I want to read the book to compare it to the series, but nothing can compare to N&S and Richard on the screen! lol
I'll come find you and leave a comment :-D
Stephanie: Tell me about it! I'm enjoying Graphic novels! Who knew??
And I just finished the first Sookie Stackhouse, and they are BETTER than the tv series!! Much better! And just as thrilling and heart-pounding and sexy. *sigh* I've started the next one already! So you HAVE to try one too, Stephanie! You know you'll like it....and it's not a graphic novel! lol
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